Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Patience...I have so much... and yet it kills me!

There was a song that I used to sing when I was a little girl.  It went like this, "Practice makes perfect.  Practice makes perfect.  I guess if I practice then better I'll be."  Funny how those words stick with me all these years later.

And, like most things, I know the true meaning behind them.  But as the saying goes, "practice what you preach," boy is that hard!

As an avid martial artist I should have that discipline to get up every morning and go for a run, because I know every six months that's what I'm tested on.  So why do I start training the week before I'm supposed to?  When I have a tournament or a test, how come I wait until that week to get my classes in and my forms perfected?  Because I'm human.

When I was in college it took me two years to learn how to effectively study for a test.  Once, I remember walking in and when the exam was on the board I was ready.  Not very good odds for getting through school when you can remember only once being ready!

I find now in my writing I'm more disciplined, but it still takes practice.  It takes practice to sit down and deem my job (which doesn't pay me for months) as important.  It takes practice to write and effectively rewrite an opening chapter so that your audience doesn't put the book down right away.  It takes practice to learn when to use a word correctly and when to omit it.

Now I'm also a publisher.  I've practiced on my own books for a long time.  The writing.  The editing.  The formatting.  The printing.  The marketing.  Do I still get it right every time?  No, and that's the part that gets me.

Practice, practice, practice.  The next book will format correctly, the grammar will be all correct, and the biggest book chain will by thousands of copies.  Well, it just doesn't happen like that.  There is ALWAYS something wrong in the formatting.  Guess what, you can't pick up a New York Times Bestseller without finding an omitted word or missed period somewhere.  Grammar, its not my strongest item.  But then again isn't grammar used for voice too?  And as for that bookstore picking up my book, it takes practice to know who to market to.

Practicing all of these little bits means one thing...practicing patience.  Yes, without patience you're not going to get too far.  In this industry especially, you need to practice it more and more.

Recently I have found myself getting worked up over my lack of patience.  I have a publisher who refuses to return my emails.  I have a book that needs my attention to be written and I don't have time.  I have authors who depend on me and I feel as though I let them down when I am not right on task, or at least on task to my standards (which I'm finding are very high and unobtainable.)  So when it comes to practice makes perfect I certainly know that I need to practice all the items I've mentioned.  But what I really need to focus on is my patience   Without it my practice isn't worth squat.

So, what do you need to work on?  What tries your patience and makes practicing what you preach harder than it should be?

Thanks for stopping by!
Bernadette Marie

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Interview with aspiring author Anne Underhill

Please welcome aspiring author Anne Underhill!  Anne is learning the art of self promotion before publication.  Please give her a warm Warrior Princess shout out!

What is your favorite thing about being a writer?

      My favorite thing about being a writer is when I am writing I, am in a completely different world.  I am totally submersed in whatever I'm writing, whether it be a history paper for school, or a story about being in prison.  Those words on the page are burned into my mind, and nothing else exists, at least in the moments I'm writing. 

How long have you been a writer? 

       I've been writing since I could pick up a pen and write.  The first style I really began to find a niche in was poetry.  Undoubtedly because I fell in love with how beautiful and profound poems can be when written well. 

What other careers have you had?

      Wow.  Other careers.  Great question since I've made no money as a writer...yet.  I've taught small children, worked as a computer programmer, and I am currently working with people with Special Needs.  Which, I must say, is a unique job, with daily rewards and triumphs, and is wonderfully challenging in a way no other job yet has presented itself to be. 

Are any of your characters based on real people or events?

        Yes.  There's a story I am working on right now that's based on a real event. 

What’s something fans would find fascinating about you?

        I do the majority of my writing on my phone.  Most of my ideas come randomly or at night while I'm in bed with insomnia or just thinking, so I do the majority of my writing on the Word Processor on my phone.  In fact, it's where I typed up this interview. 

Here is a little more about Anne

I was born in Wichita, KS, but by no means call it home.  I live in Nebraska, but find real solitude and peace in the mountains.  I atttended and will finish my degree in English and Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  I believe education doesn't begin or end in the classroom, it begins with life and ends with death.

Connect with Anne on her journey into publicatoin:
@1I7M7IV6 --twitter handle

Thank you, Anne, for joining us today.  Please join us on Thursday when Anne shares with us as our guest blogger.

Friday, November 25, 2011

FRIDAY FREEBIE on Saturday!!! 11-26-2011

Happy Weekend after Thanksgiving!  I had grand plans for this past week here on my blog.  We were going to blog everyday and give away lots of great stuff!  However, I got the flu, and 3 out of 5 kids got the flu, now my hubby has the flu!  WOWZERS!  So alas, nothing was said or given away.

But that doesn't have to hold us back from a Saturday giveaway!!!!

This Saturday I will be signing at the local Barnes and Noble, but if you stop by here YOU could win a free copy of CART BEFORE THE HORSE and THE EXECUTIVE'S DECISION!  Yep... a 2fer!

Just leave me a comment and you'll be entered.  We will announce the winner on Sunday night!

Regan Keller fell in love with a wealthy and powerful man once. He was her boss. When that turbulent relationship ended, she swore she’d never again date someone she worked with. That was before she literally fell into her new boss’s lap.

Zachary Benson is the head of a successful empire and used to getting what he wants in the boardroom and outside of it – and what he wants is Regan Keller. He’s determined to convince Regan that even though he’s her boss, they can share a life together.

However, when Regan’s past threatens to destroy the architectural firm Zach has invested his entire career in, he has to make an executive decision whether to choose his business or fight for the woman he loves.

Gabriel Maguire thought he'd buried his past until the night he met Holly, only to lose the woman he cared about, again.

Holly Jacobs has always put the cart before the horse. A prodigy who shot to stardom in textile design, she never knew a normal life—and there's nothing she longs for more than to be normal.

Pregnant before she even knows the name of her baby's father, Holly has put the cart miles ahead of the horse this time. But when she and Gabe meet for the second time, they decide to have their baby together. Holly finally begins to accept her unique way of doing everything backward, but Gabe's very normality drives her up the walls. Then his tragic past rears up; pain and loss threaten to destroy forever the fragile bond that has blossomed between him and Holly.

Sometimes the only way to get where you need to be is to put the cart before the horse.

Both books are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, All Romance eBooks, and Smashwords!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Guest Blogger Romantic Suspense Author Carmen DeSousa

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at the typewriter and bleed." ~ Ernest Hemingway

Though I believe that quote by the famous Florida author is accurate, I don’t know that it is one hundred percent complete.

If you really want to bleed, submit your work to an agent or publisher. Although we need constructive criticism and I appreciate every agent who takes the time to actually comment on my work, it still hurts. Actually, it is downright painful.

As an author—and I know it’s authors reading this blog—I know you’ve been there. As much as you hate the standard rejection letter that rambles on the same, tired script, “Sorry for this impersonal letter, but your project just isn’t the right fit for us. But, opinions are subjective, so we wish you the best…”, it still hurts when you get that honest letter. The agent that is not afraid of your backlash at how you will someday be a super star—because your mom says so—and is willing to offer you beneficial feedback.
I welcome these letters; with every one of them, my writing has improved and will continue to do so.

And when my editor actually gets a hold of my pages and tears them to shreds to make them better, I listen to her suggestions, welcome them even. Because I believe in the end, it will only make me a better author.

So, remember, when an agent offers her opinion, take it in stride, learn from it, heck, even thank her for her opinion. Who knows, she may be the one that listens to why you wrote what you wrote and realizes you are an author willing to accept her ideas, and she may even offer you representation.

Of course, self-publishing is always on the table…then you don’t have to listen to anyone—wrong! You will always have your readers. Someone will always have an opinion on your writing. Get used to it and carry on

Carmen's book She Belongs to Me will release from 5 Prince Publishing in December 2011.  Visit her at for more insight into her writing and upcoming projects.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The joy of flying by the seat of your pants!

One of my favorite lines from any movie is Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman when she says, "I'm more of a fly by the seat of your pants kind of gal.  You know moment to moment."  Yep that's me.

You might imagine that with 5 young boys and 4 jobs this is exactly how my life rolls.  I'd like to say that I adapt to change well, but I think that might be a lie.  I write out a list everyday of my life.  There are things that HAVE to be done and some things I just like to see get done.  Some days the list is all crossed off by the time I got to bed.  Other days that list carries over to the next day and the day after that.  But I'm doing what I want to be doing and that is chasing my dreams and along side me I have my family.

This could easily be looked at in a different way.  Fly by the seat of your pants easily translates into the multi-tasker, which also could be classified as the person who can't keep their attention on one thing at a time.  (There is a reason I have 4 jobs.)  I find that, as my dad says, I like to put out fires.  The moment I sit down to tackle a task there is something else that could use my attention.  By the end of the day I have efficiently started a million different projects, but my mind won't focus on one long enough to finish it all the way through.

I once went to a Life Coach to learn to achieve the goals I'd set out to achieve.  I wanted to know how people did this.  Step one: write out your goals.  Well I'm great at that.  Step two: make a plan.  Another list!  I can do this.  Step three: focus on one step at a time.  Well Crap!

Each week she would give me a "homework" assignment.  I was able to do this, but when I'd go back to her and tell her I'd made all my contacts for the week and I'd scheduled all the meetings I'd needed and while I did that I typed up a proposal and I cleaned my house while on a phone call... she quickly realized I can't function the way I wanted to.  I needed to function like I liked to make myself happy.

Hmmmm... so I'm a multi-tasker flying by the seat of my pants.  I'm a hair stylist with a clientele I fit in between my many other jobs.  I'm the mother of five active kids who forever need me in 5 different places at 5 different times.  I'm a publisher who has, at any given time, five manuscripts, five authors, and a multitude of emails and edits to attend to.  I'm a writer with a list of twenty-six story ideas, of which twelve have been penned, to attend to.  Not to mention the edits my editor sent me last week and the publicity I'm doing for the current books I have out.  Then there is they paying job I try to attend to each day at my family's business.  My husband would like to have a few moments of my time as well, (sadly I push him aside more than most.) And I have a 2nd degree black belt I'm training for that needs my attention to.

Okay... writing it all out just made me tired!

In every day there is a part of that to do list that gets crossed off because its just not important.  Some days, those edits are set aside to accommodate another author's dream because I know how it feels to get that first book out.  Some days it's to color my mother's hair and spend an hour with her.  There are times karate is side tracked so I can spend a moment at home with my kids.  And every once in awhile my office hours are canceled so I can lay in bed with my hubby and watch an NCIS marathon.

Yep... I fly by the seat of my pants.  And sometimes they rip.  But sometimes they swing me in just the right direction of where I need to go, even if I don't know it.

Happy Swinging by the Seat of Your Pants!
Bernadette Marie

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Interview with author Carmen DeSousa

Today I am very excited to have Carmen DeSousa with me!  This up and comer is full of ideas and the stories just keep getting better.  Her first book, She Belongs to Me, will release in December 2011 from 5 Prince Publishing.  So let's get to know this fabulous author.

What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
 I love the opportunity to share my experiences and situations that I have lived through in stories that people can relate to in their own life.

 Are you a plotter or a pantser?
 Pantser. I typically have only my hook before I start. I envision an idea for a story and just start typing. I will write a chapter in the morning, edit my writing the same evening, and then the characters come alive when I close my eyes and act out where the story will go.

Why do you think people should choose your books over another author?
 My stories only lack one element—they're not vulgar. I fill my novels with romance, thrills, and suspense without using vulgar language and explicit scenes as filler.

What do you hope readers take with them after reading one of your stories?
 Though tragedy is a part of life, you can overcome your circumstances with a belief in God and a soul-mate who will stand beside you no matter what.

How would you describe yourself if you were “speed dating” your readers?
 I have lived a tragic, but thankful life. As much pain as I have endured, I realize that if I hadn't lived through everything I did, I wouldn't be where I am. And today, I have a wonderful, supportive husband of twenty-two years and two perfect sons.

What books or authors have most influenced your life?
 There are so many, I wouldn't know where to begin. My family instilled of love of reading in me since I could read. On average, I read about two books a week. My favorites though are Sidney Sheldon, Nicholas Sparks, Iris Johansen, Jaime Rush, Heather Graham, and of course Bernadette Marie.

 Please tell us 5 miscellaneous facts about yourself.
 I am a Florida native but have also lived in North Carolina for ten years. When I am not writing my own novels, I proofread for a couple of publishers and many authors. Though I have wrote short stories my entire life, it was only two years ago I decided to dedicate my time to writing novels.

Please share with us your future projects and upcoming releases.
My first novel, She Belongs to Me, will be available December 2011. Please check out the first chapter:

Land of the Noonday Sun is complete and will be available spring of 2012

From there, I have many stories waiting to share with my wonderful readers. I've waited twenty years to share my love of the written word and hope that you will be just as excited as I am.

Where can our readers find you online?

Tell us a little more about yourself. 
I love writing. As far back as I can remember I created stories—no, not to my parents—with my best friend. We would sit for hours playing with Barbie dolls, creating new adventures with the iconic toy. Then when I was eight, I actually wrote my first story. A horror story about gigantic fleas of all things, I guess I had a fear of fleas. Who knew I’d grow up to be a romantic-suspense writer?

When I was in college, I wrote my first novella. My professor wanted something that entailed drinking and fishing—he was a huge Hemmingway fan. Well, he sure received a surprise when he read my short story. It did have drinking and fishing, but there was nothing funny about it. It was sad; it was real life. Luckily, he enjoyed it, even admitted I was the first student who ever made him cry and that I had potential.

Unfortunately, it just wasn't in my future at the time. After all, I needed a roof over my head and food on my plate. At seventeen, I was on my own and a career as an author just wasn't feasible at that juncture in my life. At that time, if you didn’t live in the mecca—aka New York—you didn’t stand a chance, or at least that is what my peers insisted. So, I set out to conquer the business world, and I did. I spent the last decade and a half in sales, rising to the top of a Fortune 500 company.

Now fifteen years later, I'm back. And guess what, it's a new world where dreams really do come true. My first novel, She Belongs to Me, will be available December 2011, and from there, I have many stories waiting to share with my wonderful readers. I've waited twenty years to share my love of the written word and hope that you will be just as excited as I am.

Please join us on Thursday when Carmen joins us again as our guest blogger.

Friday, November 11, 2011

FRIDAY FREEBIE with Christine Leov Lealand

It's FRIDAY FREEBIES!!!  This is always one of the GREAT parts of the week.  After Great Interviews, Awesome Guest Blogs, Something insightful from myself, now its time for FREE STUFF!  How can you win?  Just comment!  That's right!  Leave a comment (and an email address too please.  Don't want to leave that here?  You can email me directly at  On Saturday morning I will pick a random winner (well I won't, the randomizer will!)  And you could win an AWESOME Erotic tale from Christine Leov Leland!

 So... without further ado... here is Christine Leov Lealand!
Quintessence: Erotic Adventures of Fantasy and Desire by Christine Leov Lealand
 Tiffany and Sam are long term lovers... bored with each other. Louise longs for a Dominant Mistress - will she ever find the woman she dreams of? Bet longs for her first lover, he is a politician now - dare she contact him again? Fiona is happily single - then a hippy dude starts giving her flowers – is he crazy?
Awaken your innermost sexual desires with this remarkable and original novel from New Zealand's foremost author of erotic fiction. Every kind of sensual, erotic and lesbian bdsm fantasy is available in this in your face, orgasm a page novel.
Make sure you have your sexual partner of choice nearby as you delve into the delights of this delicious sexual adventure which proves that while New Zealand may not have a reputation for sexuality like France... this island land has hidden talents which are well worth exploring.
Your sexual partner will reap the rewards of your reading in a very physical way.
Most activities in this novel can be tried at home with delicious results... read it and see...

Purchase links:

Reviews:- (only some of them)
Reviews - “Voyeurism, cybersex, het-sex, lesbian and gay sex, cross-dressing, shower-sex, bondage and discipline, baby powder sex, custard square sex, dripping, throbbing licking sex. If you secretly harbor any of these fantasies then this book could be for you.” Wanganui Chronicle

“Christine Leov-Lealand speaks with authority. Her first book Quintessence – sex, sex and more sex. (Apparently more of it lesbian sex than in Avocado) has sold more than 11,000 copies” The Press, Christchurch 2000 (One year after publication)

"This book delivers the same steamy style that Harlequin romance was once famous for. Good sexy scenes wrapped up in a dramatic story told from a woman's point of view. I bought this for my girlfriend and she loved it so much she bought the other 2 novels by this author. Good reading for a plane ride or a sunday afternoon." Amazon review.

Biographical blurb:- The early part of Christine Leov-Lealand's life was lived on a remote island in the South Island of New Zealand. All access was by boat, and only in good weather. For a precociously intelligent child, reading and writing were the only brain based activities available. Adult books and encyclopedias were her daily reading. Christine wrote and sewed her first book around age eight, wrote her first 10,000 word novel at 16. She studied history and classics at university and wrote a biography of potter Barry Brickell.
Discovered by Penguin NZ Christine wrote a series of three erotic novels:- Quintessence, Avocado and Astride. Published 1999-2001 these best-sellers in print for 10 years are now available in ebook form through major etailers.
All are available as illustrated ebooks – or without illustrations at a lower price.

Other publications available for you to feature are:- Avocado and Astride by Christine Leov Lealand and Demon's Coven by A J Burton.
Demon's Coven is a Detective Murder Mystery set in the BDSM scene in NYC. it has 4 – five star reviews.

Forthcoming publications: Christine and co-writer AJ Burton plan to publish Adventure Romance "Atlantea Soulmates" in December 2011,

Both my self and AJ are available for author interviews and blogs.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guest Blogger Lori Corsentino

I am thrilled to have Lori Cosentino blogging with us today.  Lori's debut novel is part of the Finding Ms. Wright anthology, from 5 Prince Publishing, which will launch next week.  Welcome back, Lori Corsentino!

As a reader, I always wondered how authors developed their characters. In the books I truly enjoyed, the characters seemed to walk of the page, sit down next to me, and tell me their story. As I read, I would find myself totally associating and sympathizing with the heroine, and, of course, falling in love with the hero. I would root for both of them to overcome whatever it was they needed to overcome, and would sigh with relief, and satisfaction, at the happily ever after.

Wow – seeing it spelled out that way it all seems quite sappy. But I’m a romantic, and that’s what I love. A sappy, happy ending.

Evelyn and Alexander introduced themselves to me at different times during my writing journey. Alexander, I’m going to call him Alex, even though he really dislikes that, was first. He walked right in one morning and started telling me all about how he was waiting for his love, The One, to awaken him. And could I please get a move on, because he had things to do, namely capturing an evil Wizard and stopping an inter-world war.

I got moving!

Evelyn came soon afterwards. I was working with my critique group at the time when she finally noticed I’d been calling for her. She strode over and immediately introduced herself, saying, “Hello. I’m Evelyn. Evelyn Wright. But you can call me Evie.” Looking over my shoulder she watched me write notes. “What are you doing?” she asked.

And so she was born.

Getting these two together was quite interesting. I had a basic idea of where I wanted to go, and what I wanted to so, and once I put it in motion, they just picked everything up and ran off with it! It’s been quite an interesting ride, with many twists and turns.

I’ve discovered that Evie is a true study of contrasts. She’s hesitant, even suspicious at first, but once she embraces something, she gives it her all. She is strong, independent, and willful, except of course when has a weaker moment and needs to be held and comforted and surrounded by love. To me, she sounds like a typical woman.

Alex, on the other hand, is strong, steadfast, and true. He knows exactly what he needs to do, and how he needs to do it. He’s hard working and not above getting his hands dirty. He’s loyal to his people and not above doing whatever it takes to protect those who he considers his, namely Evelyn and his two sisters, Annora and Analiese. He’s also regal, arrogant, and haughty, but what else would you expect from a Prince? So, I supposed in his own way, he’s also a study of contrasts.

The chemistry between these two began immediately. As soon as Evie set eyes on her Prince, she was enchanted. The story of how he came to be in the chamber where she found him fascinated her, but she was sick with the thought that maybe she was the one and only person in the world that could help him. There was such responsibility associated with the whole thing. But he was just so hot, and there was much at stake, how could she say no? In true Evie fashion, she pondered and questioned, then made up her mind, took hold of it all, and ran with it.

For Alex, it was love at first sight. She had rescued him from the purgatory he’d endured for almost 500 years. How could he not love her? Being totally attracted to her was just a bonus. He loved everything about her - her thoughtful periods as well as her manic. He admired her independence and her strength, and adored her vulnerability and emotions. In true Prince Alexander fashion, he captures her in a very large net that gives her the illusion of freedom, but keeps her close to him. He always opens the net when she sees it and freaks out, but she never quite leaves it. She’ll walk to the opening, turn and see him waiting for her within the net, and goes back to him.

Now that’s love!

Together, these two can do anything. I hope they touch my reader’s hearts as much as they did mine.


Lori CorsentinoLori’s love of reading has transcended to include penning her own tales of romance. She is experimenting with writing in several different genres, including paranormal – a definite favorite. “There is just so much you can do when you step outside the known world,” she explains “and creating a paranormal story allows you to take yourself and your readers anywhere your imagination wants to go!” Her debut novella, Evelyn, will be published as part of the Finding Ms. Wright: Three Tales of Extraordinary Love anthology available from 5 Prince Publishing in November.

Coming November 15th in eBook and November 25 in paperback Finding Ms. Wright: Three Tales of Extraordinary Love 

Three men, each on a crucial mission to save their way of life, seek their true soul mates -women who unknowingly hold the key to their very survival.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What Would Nora Do?

I think many writers fall into this category called Oh-My-God-My-Parents-Are-Going-To-Read-This-Book!  You know, you've written this bestseller (because that's what we all write) and you either edit out anything questionable OR you hide it from people you think might look at you with that sideways glance, you know the one.

I am a huge fan of Nora Roberts!  Love her!  I love that, even though parts of her stories either gross me out, freak me out, or piss me off, she wrote them.  They are graphic.  They are sensual. They are are emotionally gripping!  And I sit back and think, WOW!  If I could write like that!

Truth is, I can!  The hard part was letting go of that demon inside of me that said "You can't curse or write about sex!"

So I had this discussion with my editor, way back when we were editing my first book.  (Which by the way on the scale of maybe a 4...maybe.)  Do I remove the few curses?  Do I elude to everything that happens behind closed doors? Or do I say screw it...and write it?  We thought (and even made a sign that said), "What would Nora do?"

Obviously, somewhere Nora has decided to go forth with the "questionable" writing that we all possess inside of us.  She put graphic sex or murder on the page.  She created villains that scare the hell out of you and sexy men you'd leave your husband for.  (Not me.  I can't believe I even wrote it...but I know some of you are thinking it.)  I don't think it hindered her career any!

So I left it!  I had to deal with the few awkward comments at first.  "Oh, wow.  I couldn't believe my (insert relation) was writing that." "Who taught you that?" "I skipped over those pages." People cuss.  People have sex. People make bad decisions.  People fall in love and that is all included in life.  I like it a little edgy.  OK I'm not writing AMAZING stories with erotic details like Megan Hart! I'm not Debbie Macomber with her amazing gift to walk the line between popular and what a woman of faith would write!  I have my own voice and I have embraced it!  I can write with or without curses, depends on the people.  I can even write it without a bedroom scene and its just as good.  I just choose (in some stories) not to omit those little gems.

The sign that reads: W.W.N.D. What Would Nora Do has been filed somewhere among old contracts.  New contracts have been written along with some very amazing stories (well in my opinion anyway.)

I no longer worry about what "someone" will say about my writing or what I did or did not include.  Now I ask myself, What Would Bernadette Do? Well... she'd write the best damn book she possibly could and continue to hope her mother would just skim over those pages and pretend like she didn't write them.  But deeply hopes everyone else in the world would read them and enjoy them!  :)

Happy Reading (or skimming)
Bernadette Marie!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Interview with Lori Corsentino

Today I am pleased to have paranormal romance author Lori Corsentino join us.  Lori's writing debut is coming up quick!  Her novella Evelyn is part of the Finding Ms. Wright anthology from 5 Prince Publishing. So let's dig in.  Welcome Lori Corsentino!

What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
I’m very curious and observant, so being able to do something with all the creative ideas running around in my head is great fun.

 What genre(s) do you write?
Right now I’m working on a paranormal series. I also write historical, romantic suspense and contemporary.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Finishing it! I’ve got two things going against me and two things going for me. I’ve always had a problem finishing things, but at the same time I LOVE to be able to check things off of a check list. I’m a recovering perfectionist that, if I let my inner editor have her way, would tweak Chapter 1 forever, but I’m learning to push through to the end and that perfectionism is highly overrated and kills the soul.

So in a round-about way, I’m finding my writing stride. Hopefully the hardest things about writing the next one will be COMPLETELY different!

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
I’m a combo of the two. I like to call it a Planter. I need some outline and structure to flesh out, but too many rules and hard core plotting kills my muse, and lets out the evil inner editor...

What do you hope readers take with them after reading one of your stories?
The same sense of fun, excitement and wonder that I had when I was writing it. Also, a strong desire to find more of my books!   :  )

 Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
That there can be a true partnership in a relationship, even with an Alpha male! Also that it’s OK to be a strong woman. Men secretly dig strong women.   : )

 How long have you been a writer? 
I’ve been doing writing in one form or another most of my life. I’ve done journaling since I was in junior high, and dabbled in some poetry in high school. Shortly after college I tried to co-author a book with a friend. We never did finish it (see what I mean about finishing stuff?). I’ve been fiddling with writing novels for the last 10 years. I joined my local chapter of RWA about 3 years ago to see if I had what it takes. I’m still here, and I’ve been writing pretty seriously for the last year.

 How much time did it take from writing your first book to having it published?
Well, as I mentioned I’ve started a lot of books but never finished them. I completed my first novella, Fire Season, last year at Halloween. Evelyn is my second novella. I started writing her story in June of this year.
What other careers have you had?
I was a Secretary once long ago, and have been a Technical Writer specializing in User Guides and Online Help systems for software development for the last 15 years. You know, just your average everyday geek stuff.

 Do you write under more than one name? Why?
Nope – just the one name for right now. I mean isn’t Lori Corsentino just a great name for a romance novelist? If I branch out into something completely different I’ll likely take on a pen name.
Are any of your characters based on real people or events?
Of course they are! But, I wouldn’t say that any one person could ever recognize themselves in one of my characters. I take different traits from the many people I know and combine them to make my characters. I guess you could say I’m my own Dr. Frankenstein when it comes to characterization!

What books or authors have most influenced your life?
Linda Howard has absolutely influenced me. I love her work. She introduced me to the Romantic Suspense genre – which is one of my favorites. I’ve fallen in love with more of her heroes that I probably should. She does such a great job. Nora Roberts is also a great influence. She broke so many stereotypes and barriers for romance authors. I’d love to be called the “Next Nora Roberts.”

How do your family and/or friends feel about your book or writing venture in general?
My family and friends are all very excited and supportive. I have several female work friends that are looking forward to the release date. I also have more than a couple male work colleagues that are also excited about the release of this book. It does give me just the slightest pause knowing that these guys are going to be reading my novella. I just hope they don’t do it in the lunch room!!!
Where are you from?
I’m a Colorado native, born and raised in Denver. I love to travel but Denver will always be home to me.

 How do you come up with the titles?
That’s a really good question! Most of my work starts out as “Untitled” with a date. It’s usually when I’ve been working on it for a while that a title will come to me – and it usually comes out of the blue! Evelyn was a bit easier because I was collaborating with my fellow authors M.L. Guida and Hillary Seidl – we came up with a title almost from the very start.

 Has your life changed significantly since becoming a published writer?
Not yet! Someday I want to be able to bury my toes in the sand on some tropical beach as I type my new bestseller into my laptop.

Do you work on one project at a time? Or do you multi-task?
I’m definitely a multi-tasker! I get bored and rebellious if I’m forced to deal with one thing at a time for too long a period. If I can have a little something on the side, it helps me to keep my focus. I guess I need to have a little “affair” to keep my main writing tasks on track!
When not writing, how do you relax?
I love to read, of course. I also enjoy making jewelry, specifically working with metal, semi-precious stones, and minerals. It’s just something about working with my hands and my right brain side to create a tangible thing of beauty that really appeals to me. I also dabble in digital photography.
Please tell us 5 miscellaneous facts about yourself.
1) I’m a reforming pack rat. Its tough, because it’s in the blood – on my mothers side!
2) I’m a rock-hound! I have a rock collection that, which not overly impressive, is kind of cool. I mean how many people do you know has a hunk of volcanic obsidian as big as your fist, a chunk of lava from a volcano in Hawaii, and a nice piece of specular hematite?
3) I’m a night person. I get that from my mother’s side as well! My Dad used to tease me that I was part vampire.
4) I’ve seen the Grand Canyon twice. Both times were from the air, and both times were at sunset. Some day, I’ll see the Grand Canyon from the ground and maybe stay a couple days to make sure I get enough pictures!   : )
5) I love looking at the world through the lens of a camera. It gives you a completely different point of view. I really should get a camera that takes great night shots. That’ll go great with my nocturnal tendencies!

 Lori, what else are you working on?
 I’m currently working on another paranormal – the sequel to Evelyn titled, “And the Fairest of Them All.” It’s a full length tale featuring Annora, Alexander’s sister. I’ve also got another in the same series planned for Analiese, Alexander’s youngest sister. That will nicely round out a trilogy. I do love writing a series!

I can be found on facebook at Lori Corsentino and twitter at loricorsentino.
My website is

Here’s an excerpt. It’s a little more than 400 words – hope that’s OK!  : )

Evie set her jaw and crossed her arms in a defensive gesture before looking at Reginald to gauge his sincerity. What she found there told her he was serious.
The very thought of kissing Mr. Hottie Prince fascinated her, but it wasn’t exactly something she was prepared to do. She looked back at Reginald. “What if I’m not The One?”
“Then nothing will happen.”
“But what if I am The One?” Sweat broke out on her brow and upper lip. The very thought of having that much responsibility quickened her breath, so much so she began to get light headed. She was freaking out.
“Then my Prince will awaken.”
Through her frantic haze, Evie saw there might be something there. If the Prince awoke...he could send her back home. Even Reginald said that. She could get out of this place and return to familiarity and safety of her own home. While her life was anything but fascinating, it was hers and she wanted to go back to it. It was all fine and well to visit other places, even crazy-ass places like this, but there was no place like home.
“And I just have to kiss him?” She might be able to do this. Kiss him, get him awake, and go home.
She’d already determined he wasn’t dead so it didn’t really creep her out too much anymore. It was as if he’d been on a major bender and now was sleeping really hard.
The benefits seemed to outweigh the risks. Evie shrugged and then relaxed her shoulders as she gave in. “If I kiss him and he wakes up, he can he send me home, right?” The desire to get the hell away from this whacked out wonderland gave her encouragement.
“My Prince does have that power.” 
Evie frowned. Best case scenario was she would kiss him, he would awaken, and she’d be on her way home. Worse case would be she would take advantage of an unconscious man and kiss his mouth, and perhaps linger a bit to nibble on that full bottom lip. Evie eyed his mouth, unable to tear her gaze away. It seemed to beckon her, begging for the touch of her lips.
Evie dragged her teeth along her own to keep the temptation at bay. It was too perfect.
“OK – I’m game.” Evie nodded. “How long before we know?”
“I am sorry Madame,” Reginald shook his head. “I am a simple Aide-de-Camp. I do not know.”
“Well,” Evie acted before she lost her resolve. “Let’s give it a shot.”

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Freebie 11/4/11

It's FRIDAY FREEBIE time again!

This week we have an erotic story for you by Piper Denna!  This story could be all yours for FREE!  All you have to do is leave a comment below and either leave your email address there or send it to I will announce the winner on Saturday morning and Piper will contact you with your prize!  It couldn't be more simple!

A Fireman for Christmas
Every fireman knows the value of a controlled burn...

One more Christmas lusting after her older brother’s best friend? Timi might lose her mind. Fed up with family holidays, she rents a cabin for one, planning a Christmas escape her drawings. But after numerous sketches turn out to be her rendition of Clay in the Hottest Firemen Calendar poster, she realizes location is just a technicality.

Fireman Clay can’t imagine spending Christmas without Timi around to ogle. Hearing she’s holed up in a lovers’ retreat, he can’t resist seeking her out. This year, he’s determined to start a fire and claim the gift he’s always wanted.

Romance is sexy. And often funny, and sometimes tangled up with suspense. Let’s face it: all sorts of things get mixed up with romance in real life.

Piper Denna’s stories are not cut-and-dried romance. She wants her characters to deal with issues female readers can relate to: independence and trust, empowerment, inhibitions, an unfaithful partner, motherhood. Sometimes her characters make mistakes and often her “bad guys” are not 100% bad. Mostly she wants to take the reader on an emotional journey to a happy ending (with a few enviable sexual encounters along the way!).

When she’s not writing, she edits, raises two teens, along with her husband, and has an evil day job.

She enjoys books (or movies) with a comedic twist and hopefully a love story, too.

Sexiest parts of a man in Piper’s opinion? The hands and eyes. Shoulders are nice too, and of course, great pecs are never amiss…

Visit Piper’s website at:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keeping it Short and Sweet, Guest Blogger Suzie Grant

Please welcome Suzie Grant, our guest blogger today!

Who would have imagined that I’d like them short? Novels, I mean. More like novellas, if you want to get technical about it. But I do.
When I was asked to join in the Regency Christmas anthology I had two things going against me. One: I had never written a Regency before (nor had I read many either), and I’d never written anything under 80,000 words before in my life. Now, one problem is rather easy to overcome. It’s called research, and luckily I love it. But I solved that by taking what I already knew, which was ships, and added what I didn’t, which was the Regency era.
It worked out pretty well since I knew a thing or two about smugglers and ships already.
Now my second problem was length. I had never imagined writing anything twenty thousand words or less before. Now I had to. I’m a plotter and planner. Normally I have three scenes per chapter at about twenty chapters per book. That comes out to about sixty scenes. Now I had to literally cut that in half and make it make sense. Not so easy to do.
So I wrote about two scenes per chapter with ten chapters which equals twenty scenes at approximately one thousand words a piece. And they didn’t all come out quite that length, but somehow I made it all fit.
The important thing about novellas is making every scene count. Everything must have a purpose for being there otherwise you should cut it because you don’t have time to dawdle on nonsensical things inside a novella. You must reveal solid characters with a solid relationship, and go through the entire relationship as if you would in a novel and do it in half the time. And if you’re like me, you must create an intricate plot because I know no other way to tell a story. My plot was quite complicated, and I needed it to be very fast paced because that’s my style.  Keeping my voice was very important to me. When Ava Stone suggested I write about Regency sea captain in order to keep my action-packed style of writing. I knew I may have just found my new niche.
Keeping the scenes shorter meant less back story and more forward action. So any back story was kept to dialogue between the characters, which is really how it should be handled anyway.
I also needed to go through the steps of falling in love quicker, but be able to show time had gone by during the story. In the beginning of the story you meet our characters in a Barbados jungle swamped with heat and bad guys. By the end of the story, they arrive in England on Christmas Eve after more than fifty days at sea. Being able to show time had passed needed to be kept to just a few sentences. So I had to build my world as they were moving in it. It was much more difficult than I had imagined it, because I do love to world build. Here’s an example from the story:
An icy breeze snaked through the rigging of La Obsidiana as she docked in Scarborough on Christmas Eve. After Blythe’s last attack, they’d repaired the damage without docking somewhere and made good time. Jewel clutched Rand’s overcoat closer together to ward off England’s winter chill. The dark material swallowed her amongst its massive folds as she and Rand made their way down the docks towards town.
Snow dusted the ground in soft patches and lingered on the roof’s of quant little shops. Early morning washed the wharves in pink dew, and a hazy mist hung over the port like a shroud, dampening the already chill air.
See here, in just a few lines you see that the chill of winter had set in, the temperature had dropped, and time had passed. And the best part is they’re still moving forward, which in turn means the story doesn’t slow down just for me to describe my scenery. You won’t get pages upon pages of descriptive sentences from my stories. Instead you’ll get tiny patches here and there that build the suspense while it’s enhancing the story line, which helps move the novella forward and keeps the pacing tight and fast.
While I’d love to tackle a Regency set in London, England. I know that number one, I am not prepared enough to do so and number two, the Regency reader is a rare reader who really knows her stuff. So you can’t fool them. So I will wait to make such an attempt, and when I do be sure to hang on to your caps and bonnets, because it’ll be one heck of a ride.
Now that the Regency Christmas anthology is out, I hope you enjoy my first attempt at a Regency as well as my first attempt at a novella. It was quite fun and right up my alley. I’m looking at writing another set of novellas in 2012, as well as a Regency series called The Exiled Lords. I hope you’ll join me then.
Be sure to leave a comment with an email address, and check out my website here to see how you will be eligible to win a Kindle, as well many other surprises.
And feel free to surf around while you’re there. You’ll find the links to the other twelve authors who joined me in writing the Christmas Anthology. Thanks for joining me today while I discussed how I overcame writing a novella for the first time. And perhaps you’ll join me soon for another adventure while I take life and happily-ever-after by the horns.
A Caribbean Jewel for Christmas

Blackmailed by a British Naval Commander, Captain Randall Whitton, a smuggler with a penchant for gold is rescued by Jewel Derington, a feisty plantation owner and the very woman who betrayed him in the jungles of Barbados. Escaping danger has never been so thrilling. Together they are drawn into a political game of winner takes all from which only his grandfather, the Duke of Danby, can rescue them.

Fascinated by the glitter of his Caribbean Jewel, Randall's lust for gold soon fades. His quest to tame this fiery treasure catapults them both into an adventure where the stakes are higher and the prize greater than either of them have ever dared dream.

Fall 1812
Smuggling had its disadvantages, especially inside a tavern full of British soldiers. The crackle of the fire filled the silence. Captain Randall Whitton eased back in his seat as the proprietress filled his tankard. He nodded his thanks and returned his gaze to the man seated across from him.
Unease snaked its way up Rand’s spine. This prearranged meeting hadn’t gone quite as planned. First, had he known he would be meeting in a tavern filled with British officers, he would have never come. And secondly, had he known it was a British commander who’d requested his presence, he would have run like hell in the opposite direction.
Commander Blythe studied him through dark blue eyes narrowed in the dim light. “Would you care for anything to eat, Captain? It’s on me.”
Glass clinked in the establishment and a soft drone of voices carried through the public house. They were the only two people in the upper balcony of the tavern, but it didn’t alleviate Rand’s anxiety in the least. He shook his head. “No, thank you. Why don’t we set aside all pretenses, Commander? I find I’m rather curious about your reasons behind the invitation.”
The slightest smile brushed the commander’s features. “Indeed.” Silence descended once again as the man sliced through his mutton chops. “I hope you’re comfortable. I would hate to think I’ve not made you feel welcome.”
Rand glanced over his shoulder at the only visible exit in the main hall. Comfortable? Indeed, like a mouse being pawed by a cat.
The clatter of dishes brought Rand to his feet and a hand on his Rigby flintlock pistol. When all eyes turned in his direction, Rand cleared his throat and reseated himself with a muffled apology. “I must confess to being on a schedule and I’m anxious to get on with my errands.”
The commander smiled. “Understandable. This was a rather spontaneous meeting. I do hope you’ll forgive me. After all, we’ll both profit from this encounter, or at least that’s my wish.”
“Excellent, what can I help you with?”
The uniformed soldiers resumed their previous endeavors one-by-one, and the normal drone of voices continued. Rand leaned back in his seat and sweat trickled down his temple.
Reputation colored him a criminal and being in a roomful of “His Majesty’s finest” made Rand extremely nervous.


Suzie still believes in happily-ever-after and after growing up reading classic adventure literature like Treasure Isle, Gone with the wind and watching classic westerns like Gunsmoke, Lonesome Dove, and Bonanza Suzie knew what she wanted to do with her life. She brings the action of thrillers to historical romance with steamy love scenes and a pace that will leave you breathless!

From Castles to cowboys there's something thrilling on every page. Take a deep breath and join Suzie on a journey as she takes happily-ever-after by the horns!

During her rocky teenage years writing became an emotional outlet for her and it wasn’t until she had married and had children that writing as a profession became an option.

After a very long divorce she again finds herself climbing that rocky path of life and has learned to live by a single quote: “Obstacles are placed in our path to determine whether we really wanted something, or just thought we did.” By Dr. Harold Smith.

Suzie looks forward to each new obstacle.

She lives happily ever after with her new beau, three boys and one little Shitzhu named Peppy Le’Pew in NC. One day she plans to retire and sail along the east coast an adventurer to the end.

To find out more about Suzie Grant please check out these links:

Here is a little about what Suzie Grant is working on now.
To be released November 1st 2011 A Summons from the Castle
A Regency Christmas anthology by twelve different authors.
The powerful Duke of Danby summons all of his wayward grandchildren home for the holiday

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Are you in one of my books?

I was very careful the first time I wrote a book not to include anyone I knew in it.  There were no common names.  No likenesses or characteristics either.  I have to say... I didn't know those characters at all.

It wasn't until the third book of my first trilogy that I added a bit of someone, and laughed until I cried.  Dear Trevor drinks down a bottle of water and chucks the empty bottle into the back seat of his car.  I thought I was going to die from the hysterics of this.  Yes, this is my husband!  But what was even funnier was the moment I mentioned it people began saying, "what have you seen my car?"  This was that little bit that made Trevor human and people related to him.

So it began... can you find yourself in one of my books?  I suppose the funnier part is mutual friends might see you there, but you wont.  Then I know I've done my job well.  His eyes dart around the room as she's holding a conversation with him.  Experiences make the atmosphere jump out at the reader.  "What-are-you-doing?  Get-the-puck!"  If you close your eyes and imagine cinder block walls and the cold of an ice rink mixed with sweat and adrenaline, you might understand what my weekends smell like.

I have the occasional name being dropped cousin Anne.  There are quirks I wish I had of my own, she thought as she ran another three miles through town.  But no matter what I began to add, my characters became more real.

I have a best friend.  Her name is Carrie.  I have been able to build from that beautiful 34 year old relationship between her and I and our families for so many of my characters.  I am married to my soul mate who would stand next to me no mater what scars I bare.  I have children that would take care of me if I were sick.  I have a wonderful mother, father, and sister in which I can draw from when I need strong family traits, and yes... I have a few crazy relatives which makes writing the quirky parts about families easy too.

Now, as I sit here thinking about the characters in my books, I can tell you where every trait came from.  I'm a big advocate about writing where you know, well I believe you should write who you know as well.  Perhaps I won't point fingers at the bad habit I put on page 147, but I'm sure someone made me think about it.

If you ask to be in my book you'd better be very specific as to "whom" you want to be.  I do have a black belt in karate and I'm not afraid to use it on your character if I see fit.

Observing the world this way, seeing every detail in every person, has opened my eyes.  To be honest I think I'm a much better person.  In fact, I think I tolerate everyone more.  Maybe it's because I can kill you off in my next novel, or maybe you are just a character.

So, I wonder which traits I'll add to my next new WIP Never Saw it Coming about the Goth and the Geek.  Hmmm, now how far do I need to search for the Geek?  Not far.  I only have to go climb into bed with him and decide how I will incorporate all that perfectness into my next hero.

Happy Reading (and observing)
Bernadette Marie